Renderable Container

SVG element inherits from \1. More...


EAPI Egueb_Dom_Nodeegueb_svg_element_svg_new (void)
EAPI Eina_Bool egueb_svg_element_is_svg (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)
EAPI Eina_Bool egueb_svg_element_svg_draw (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Enesim_Surface *s, Enesim_Rop rop, Eina_Rectangle *clip, int x, int y, Enesim_Log **error)
EAPI Eina_Bool egueb_svg_element_svg_draw_list (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Enesim_Surface *s, Enesim_Rop rop, Eina_List *clips, int x, int y, Enesim_Log **error)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_animations_pause (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_animations_unpause (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)
EAPI Eina_Bool egueb_svg_element_svg_animations_paused (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)
EAPI double egueb_svg_element_svg_time_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_time_set (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, double secs)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_x_set_simple (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, const Egueb_Svg_Coord *x)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_x_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Egueb_Svg_Coord_Animated *x)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_y_set_simple (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, const Egueb_Svg_Coord *y)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_y_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Egueb_Svg_Coord_Animated *y)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_width_set_simple (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, const Egueb_Svg_Length *width)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_width_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Egueb_Svg_Length_Animated *width)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_height_set_simple (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, const Egueb_Svg_Length *height)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_height_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Egueb_Svg_Length_Animated *height)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_current_scale_set (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, double scale)
EAPI double egueb_svg_element_svg_current_scale_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_current_translate_set (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Egueb_Svg_Point *p)
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_current_translate_get (Egueb_Dom_Node *n, Egueb_Svg_Point *p)
EAPI Egueb_Svg_Pointegueb_svg_element_svg_svg_point_create (Egueb_Dom_Node *n)

Detailed Description

SVG element inherits from \1.

TODO make it inherit from svg container

Function Documentation

Sets the x coordinate of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to set the x coordinate [Transfer none]
[in]xThe x coordinate to set [Transfer content]

Gets the x coordinate of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to get the x coordinate [Transfer none]
[out]xThe pointer to store the x coordinate [Transfer content]

Sets the y coordinate of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to set the y coordinate [Transfer none]
[in]yThe y coordinate to set [Transfer content]

Gets the y coordinate of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to get the y coordinate [Transfer none]
[out]yThe pointer to store the y coordinate [Transfer content]

Sets the width of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to set the width [Transfer none]
[in]widthThe width to set [Transfer content]

Gets the width of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to get the width [Transfer none]
[out]widthThe pointer to store the width [Transfer content]

Sets the height of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to set the height [Transfer none]
[in]heightThe height to set [Transfer content]

Gets the height of a svg element

[in]nThe svg element to get the height [Transfer none]
[out]heightThe pointer to store the height [Transfer content]
EAPI void egueb_svg_element_svg_current_scale_set ( Egueb_Dom_Node n,
double  scale 

Sets the current translation on a svg element

[in]nThe SVG element to set the current translation [Transfer none]
[in]pThe transaltion to set [Transfer content]

Gets the current translation of the svg element

[in]nThe SVG element to get the current translation from [Transfer none]
[out]pThe point to store the current translation [Transfer content]
 All Data Structures